The Future of Solar in California is at Risk


To the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) and California State Officials:

Summary: Without extraordinary action on our part before March of 2020, the current deal for solar in California will likely be eliminated beginning in 2021. Under this new Net Metering Structure, new solar customers or anyone who installs a significant expansion to their solar system moving forward will get significantly less money for their solar power.

Eroding or eliminating retail net metering in CA will prohibit a significant number of people from installing clean solar power and implementing necessary storage solutions in response to recent and future public safety power shutdowns by effectively increasing the price of grid-tied rooftop solar.

Read more about this important issue written by SEG Energy Expert Penn Martin here >>

Our Request: We, who have submitted this web form petition, call on the CPUC and California State Officials to preserve retail net metering under NEM 3.0.

Petition NEM